PRESS RELEASE by ANRM: "Romania Has A Queen, It Does Not Need Presidential Elections"

HM King Michael I of Romania and HRH Princess Margareta

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Alianța Națională pentru Restaurarea Monarhiei (ANRM) (The (Romanian) National Alliance for the Restoration of Monarchy), in its capacity as the main NGO that promotes Constitutional Monarchy in Romania, declares the bankruptcy of the Republic. Bankruptcy is confirmed by the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the annulment of the presidential elections. The recent decision of CCR means that any elections - parliamentary, European or local - can be questioned at any time, which marks the end of democracy in our country.

The Republican regime in Romania is a direct result of Russian occupation and was established by the Soviets on December 30, 1947 through violence, blackmail, and terror. After the fall of Ceaușescu's regime, second-tier communists illegitimately seized power and drafted a Constitution that never came into force, because it was not promulgated by the President of Romania.

In 2003, political decision-makers illegally amended this Constitution, extending the referendum for its vote by one day, because the referendum would have been invalidated if the rules in force at the start of the vote had been followed.

Given that the current Constitution has never legally entered into force, it follows that the only legitimate Fundamental Law of the State is the Royal Constitution of 1923, reinstated by His Majesty King Michael I in 1945.

Now, the same political class has invalidated the Presidential Elections while voting had already begun in diaspora. Thus, the Republican regime is trampling on all democratic rules.

The only way to definitively stop Russian influence in Romania and in the Republic of Moldova is to restore the Constitutional Monarchy. By origin, blood ties, culture, activity and ideals, the Royal Family of Romania is the unshakable anchor of the Romanian nation in the free world, in the European Union and in NATO. The only way to definitively stop Russian influence in Romania is to restore the Monarchy in Romania.

The return to Constitutional Monarchy keeps the door open for the reunification of Romania and the Republic of Moldova under the same Crown.

Romania has a Queen, therefore, organizing new Presidential Elections is useless. Romania is by right a Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy, a European liberal democracy, a state of law that respects each individual citizen. The Monarchic institution is the only one able to ensure a Head of State well prepared and suitable for this role, equidistant, legitimate and truly representative of all Romanians. In this regard, we ask the Parliament to transform itself into a Constituent Assembly and to legislate a new Constitution, in accordance with the treaties that Romania has signed as a member of the European Union and NATO, which should provide for Constitutional Monarchy as the form of government!

At the same time, this appeal is open to the entire Romanian society and the entire political class, free from Left- or Right-wing extremist manifestations and positions!

God bless our Queen and Country!

The (Romanian) National Alliance for the Restoration of Monarchy (ANRM)

Thursday, December 5th, 2024

Press release is available on Facebook also (in Romanian), here.